Owing to the lack of budget to order delivered food, we went on cooking anything that is not the same as yesterday's. So we would search through YouTube for anything that we could cook simply.

I chanced upon this video in Chinese:

The description indicated pickled chicken, but I think they meant chicken salad with pickled vegetable and chilli. Having Watch this, my head says : "I can do this !!! How hard can it be?"

So this might be something from Chao Shan. The chopped up lemon was funky, but eating the salted vegetable and chilli might not be palatable for all in the family.

So I tried to do this a little differently with the ingredients I had at hand.

 Peas, beansprout, tomatoes and salted vegetables was what I found in the fridge. The salted vegetables were soaked in hot water for a while so that the salt has less impact. (We desperately needed to clear the peas from the panic buy)

As usual, oil is sizzled with chopped onions and garlic then the vegetables were introduced. Vegetables were stir fried with wooden chopsticks till the colour turned golden.

Chicken breast meat (I didn't have large drums sticks) were simply boiled then shredded.

The shredded chicken now added to the stir fried vegetables.

Finally, raw cucumbers, lemon and parsley were added to give it a Chao Shan thing.

Interestingly the lemon skin wasn't so hard to eat. It gave a freshness to the crunch. The cucumbers where somewhat blotters the saltiness and the rest was wholesome. 

Something similar using minced pork here

and String Ray Meat !

So beware ! Teochews are stranger than you think because the epicenter of Chinese culinary evolution happened in Chao Shan or so Netflix claims here


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